You may wonder what the Year 6 girls and I talk about between our “good mornings” on the gate. I imagine it being rather odd to hear snippets of a far longer conversation or competition; listing an A-Z of countries is always a favourite. This week, our discussions have mainly been focused on the tempestuous conditions that Storm Ali and Bronagh have brought to the UK. One girl analysed the reasons why houses in Barnet don’t fall over in the wind, with the conclusion being that strong foundations created stability.
This is also the case with a child’s time at school, as they start in Nursery or Reception, or any year group for that matter. The hard work and effort put in early on in the academic year will bear fruit later. In the Early Years, pupils need greater levels of support from the adults in their lives. Our curriculum meetings are one way in which parents and teachers can work together to ensure these first few weeks are smooth. Our inaugural Nursery and Reception parents’ drinks reception, and coffee morning later this term, also show the value of informal meetings between members of our community.
But, as our pupils grow, more of this responsibility to work hard and try their best falls on them. This is certainly the case with the girls in Year 6 who have a position of responsibility (as you may know this is all of them) and a certain degree of power. They have a chance to make an impact and enjoy helping others, but as a famous man once said: with great power comes great responsibility – a house point to any child who can tell me the source of that quotation on Monday. Therefore, it is wonderful to see children freely giving up their break time to support the School or step forward when help is needed. Friday saw our Charity Prefects collecting donations for Jeans for Genes Day and our English Prefect help me give out LAMDA certificates: every Year 6 girl would be able to tell you of the contribution they make. No matter what their age, every girl and boy at Lyonsdown has opportunities to be responsible, in the classroom, on the playground or in an extra-curricular activity. If we can encourage them to be independent and seek out this responsibility as early as possible, we help create a foundation for future success.
I wish you all a happy Friday, which I hope is a solid foundation for a relaxing weekend.