From the Headmaster's Desk

From the Headmaster’s Desk

It is not only the result that matters, but the child’s journey towards that result is a message that rings in my ears. This week, we had the pleasure of welcoming Jane Simister to Lyonsdown, to deliver staff training and our termly Parent Talk. Both staff and our Lyonsdown Learning Prefect are abuzz with ideas for teaching and learning in school that will be woven into our already exciting plans for curriculum development. It was great to hear that parents are in support of developing character: praise was universal but “that was inspirational” sums things up nicely. If you would like to learn more about Jane’s work, click here.

If the above was my highlight of the week, some rather colourful Trolls would be the selection of the children as the half term ended with another successful FLS Movie Night. My thanks to the FLS team for organising and running the event; I may not be the target audience for Anna Kendrick (although I did tweet her about our event) but having a range of events throughout the school year really does bring Lyonsdown to life.

Today also marks the last day for a member of staff. Mrs Adams leaves us after twenty-nine years’ association with the School, first as Welfare Officer and Teaching Assistant and then, more recently, as a reading helper. Community involvement at Lyonsdown is so important, and Mrs Adams will be sorely missed. I am delighted we have already persuaded her to pop back for the odd trip.

Half time in the year, half term for the Spring Term. A chance to relax and recharge the batteries. I know children, parents and staff alike will enjoy a variety of wonderful activities during the break – one child told me they were going to the Arctic which, even if not true, shows a fascinating imagination. Whether you are with friends or family, home or abroad (I count this as anywhere outside the M25), I wish you all the best.

C. Hammond
