Pre-Reception have enjoyed a half term filled with festive learning fun, on the run up to Christmas.
The girls have learnt all about Christmas and how it is celebrated in different countries. They have also enjoyed learning about Hanukkah – making some wonderful Hanukkah cards.
There has been a flurry of fun Christmas inspired art activities including playing with Christmas playdough, and making some fabulous salt dough decorations to take home to adorn their trees at home. The girls have also made some lovely pictures of snowmen, got very glittery when making stars, and have decorated some brilliant Christmas cards that will also make their way home for families to enjoy.
The children enjoyed festooning their Pre-Reception room with paper chains that they made themselves, as well as decorating their Christmas tree! One of the highlights was making some sweet treats for their families (which they will hopefully enjoy eating!)
One area of the room has been particularly busy over the last half term…. the role play area – which has been turned into a wonderfully festive Christmas post office! The girls have certainly enjoyed playing ‘shop’ and sorting out all the Christmas post.
Finally, story time has been very festive – with an array of different Christmas stories being enjoyed by the girls. This year the class favourite has been definitely been ‘Snowball‘ by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet.