Each week our Head, Mrs Stanton-Tonner, holds assemblies for children in all the year groups across Lyonsdown School. Normally it’s a wonderful time when the community comes together. Whilst that can’t happen at the moment, assemblies are still a key time in our Remote Education timetable and Mrs Stanton-Tonner now records her assemblies for all the children to watch.
So far, assemblies have covered two important topics – which are particularly pertinent for the times we currently find ourselves. They are: adapting to change and being appreciative.
“In my first assembly to the whole school, I talked to the children about how a brand new year always brings new opportunities and changes,” says Mrs Stanton Tonner. “I recounted a story about how change can sometimes spring out of nowhere. I encouraged the children to think about how some changes can be controlled (they are of our making) and others aren’t. I asked them to think how they can make positive changes or resolutions. An example given was to talk more to their teachers, should they need a little bit more support. We may not be together in the classroom, but we are always here to help them through MS Teams. I asked them to turn to their teachers to ask for help, rather than asking their parents in the first instance because they are at home.”
In her second assembly, Mrs Stanton-Tonner talked about the importance of saying ‘thank you’ and being appreciative. “I urged the children to think about giving proper appreciation and thanks – not just a quick ‘thank you’ and back to what they were doing. That they should give a moment to someone else – by making eye-contact and perhaps a smile. Saying thank you is an amazing way of showing appreciation. So I hope this week and going forward, the children will be saying even more ‘thank you’s’ that come from the heart.”