Lyonsdown School has teamed up with Barnet Lawn Tennis Club to deliver tennis lessons throughout the summer term to girls in Years 3 to 6 as part of their timetabled PE lessons. This is a great addition to an already extensive sports offering.
The club is just a minute’s walk from the School, and the girls are now benefiting from their excellent purpose built facilities, along with their coaching expertise. Miss Doyle, Lyonsdown’s specialist Sports Coordinator, is coordinating the new tennis programme, with additional coaching support from two of the club’s experienced Level 4 Lawn Tennis Association coaches.
“I am so pleased that our girls are able to benefit from this new opportunity,” commented Lyonsdown’s Sports Coordinator, Miss Doyle. “The excitement of the girls as they arrived with tennis racket in hand is a positive indicator that this will be a favourite summer physical activity for many.”
The girls have enjoyed learning the basics in their first week, with Miss Doyle encouraging them to practise their forehand stroke through drills and mini games. By the smiles on their faces, they all had a thoroughly good time. Watch out Wimbledon!