Lyonsdown School Council members were delighted to be able to get back round the table this week, socially distanced of course, to discuss items of importance to the children that they wish to raise with the School.
Council members are peer elected, two members each from Years 2 to 6. Chaired by the Head Girl they discuss suggestions submitted by other children. Each class has a suggestion box, so everyone has the chance to contribute their thoughts and ideas. These can be quite wide-ranging, and previous Council achievements include introducing ‘fun’ rubbish bins in the playground to having more themed dress up days to support their learning such as history or literacy days.
Of course, not all suggestions are possible to introduce, but they are all given due consideration! The Deputy Head Girl has the role of Secretary, and the minutes are taken to the Head, Mrs Stanton-Tonner, to consider along with the Senior Leadership Team and other teachers. “I’m always intrigued to hear what suggestions the Council has, and to hear what really matters to the children,” said Mrs Stanton-Tonner.
Importantly, all decisions are communicated back to the children so that they know and understand the outcome of the process. I wonder what will come out of this recent meeting….?
Mrs Windsor, Deputy Head