News - Page 9

Keeping Active During Lockdown

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This week, it was our Lower School children’s turn to assess their fitness levels in different types of tests including how many jump squats, burpees and mountain climbers they can do in one minute! Miss Doyle continues to be impressed...

Lockdown Music!

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Music has been ringing out from across the Lyonsdown community – in pupils’ homes, as well as in School, from the girls in Pre-Reception and our onsite bubbles. All pupils enjoy Music each week, even during Lockdown – with live...


Inspiring ‘Brave’ Thinking at Lyonsdown

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This week,  pupils at Lyonsdown have been challenged to think about ‘what does being brave mean to you’.  Through their assemblies, along with conversations and discussions with their class teachers, the pupils have explored the topic of courage and bravery....

Lyonsdown’s Artists of the Week!

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It’s Friday and we are adding some colour to the end of the week. Every Friday, we celebrate the amazing artwork created during Remote Education. Last week, pupils in Year 1 created super drawings of The Queen! Year 3 pupils...

Remote STEAM News

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We love STEAM at Lyonsdown and just because we aren’t ‘in school’ doesn’t mean we haven’t encouraged all of our pupils to develop their knowledge and interests in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Maths. We may be missing our Science...