News - Page 12

Year 3 Explorers!

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Year 3 have been explorers for the day. First we thought about the verb ‘to explore’ and other words in the explore family. Next we shared where we like to go exploring and things that we have discovered. We even...


Fond Farewell to our Year 6 Leavers

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The end of the School year was unlike any other. Normally filled with mass gatherings and celebrations – this year we adapted to ‘the new normal’ to enable our Year 6 leavers to say a fond farewell to Lyonsdown, their...


Remote Education launches at Lyonsdown!

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With the Summer Term starting this week, Lyonsdown School’s Remote Education has launched! Despite the unprecedented time in which we all currently find ourselves, we have an exciting term planned, with a variety of opportunities to develop the children’s learning...