Enabling the successful personal development of the children is a priority at Lyonsdown. This is supported by a strong personal, social, health, and citizenship education policy.
Lyonsdown School aims to teach, extend and revise the skills, knowledge and understanding that children need in order to:
- take and share responsibility
- feel positive about themselves
- take part in discussions
- make real and rational choices
- meet and talk confidently with people
- develop successful relationships through work and play
- consider social and moral dilemmas in everyday life
- ask for appropriate help
- become emotionally literate
- prepare for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life
“Lyonsdown makes me feel so warm inside and the teachers are always near by when you need them”.
Pupils have opportunities to:
- explore attitudes and values
- develop personal skills
- discuss risks, rights and responsibilities
- discuss relationships and feelings
- learn about other cultures and nations
- learn about their bodies and how to care for them
- learn about personal safety and who can help them in the community
- learn about the dangers associated with everyday life (eg. crossing roads)
- learn that all medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines (including tobacco and alcohol)
- share their achievements with others