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Hertfordshire Girls Prep School | Lyonsdown School
School Council

Each year, a new Lyonsdown School Council is democratically peer-elected with two representatives from each class, from Year 2 upwards. This is swapped half way through the year to give as many girls as possible the opportunity to contribute. The School Council allows the girls (through their representatives) to become active decision-makers in the wider School community.
The School Council meets regularly to discuss matters relevant to our young people. Council meetings are chaired by the current Year 6 Co-Head Girls with a member of the Senior Leadership Team in attendance.

Class representatives have an essential job; they are responsible for collecting ideas and listening to the concerns of their fellow pupils before reporting back to the School Council.
The current priority for the School Council is to make Lyonsdown a greener school. The representatives must take the lead in this initiative to enhance and improve what we are currently doing to reduce the School's carbon footprint.

The School council were integral in introducing our school values in 2022 with a proposal given to the Senior Management Team for approval.

Please see below for the School Council’s recent successes:

You SaidWe Did (2023-2024)
Please can we have a scooter rack?A rack was installed and promoted to parents and children to encourage walking/scootering to school
We would like to contribute more to our local communityLitter picking has been introduced as part of Keep Britain Tidy ‘The Big Spring Clean’
We want to look at making Lyonsdown more wildlife friendly Started a fundraising campaign for ‘Save our Swifts’
We want to look at making Lyonsdown more environmentally friendlyBrought in Waste Stream to collect our food waste. Revisited our recycling system. School Council led assemblies to educate the school body.

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© Hertfordshire Girls Prep School | Lyonsdown School 2025
Registered in England: Number 3404450. Registered Charity Number: 1064758. Registered office: Walker House, Millers Close, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AQ