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Hertfordshire Girls Prep School | Lyonsdown School
Art and Design Technology

Art and Design Technology are highly valued and important elements of the school curriculum and are taught by a specialist teacher. We believe that the appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts enriches all of our lives and an understanding of design, mechanisms, working with various tools, materials and techniques are vital to developing life skills. Art and DT helps children to become problem solvers through practical tasks, using creativity and imagination. We deliver a culturally diverse curriculum where artists, designers and craftspeople from around the world are celebrated.

Work created by pupils is displayed throughout the school, which inspires others and promotes a sense of pride. There are opportunities to participate in competitions and art clubs throughout the year, whilst workshops, talks by visiting artists and designers, and trips to art galleries and museums add an exciting dimension to our pupil’s Art and DT lessons.

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© Hertfordshire Girls Prep School | Lyonsdown School 2025
Registered in England: Number 3404450. Registered Charity Number: 1064758. Registered office: Walker House, Millers Close, The Ridgeway, Mill Hill, London, NW7 1AQ